Taking an F3 Year is an exciting but daunting proposition for many F2 Doctors.
There are lots of reasons why someone might want to take an F3 Year, and your motivations will be unique to you. The key to making your time out of training successful is to understand what brings you fulfilment, what the options are available to you and the steps you need to take to make this happen.
In this Hub, you can find the resources and information that you need to make confident and informed decisions about your F3 Year. Our guides, workbooks and videos were researched and designed by doctors to provide with the best advice and support possible. We hope you find this useful!
Understand what an F3 Year is, why people choose to do an F3 Year, and how to decide if an F3 Year is right for you.
Explore the reasons that doctors choose an F3 Year in more detail, including the pros and cons of an F3 Year.
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Work through our especially-designed exercises and questions to understand how an F3 Year might help you feel more fulfilled, and to identify what type of F3 Year would suit you best.
One of our most read articles ever! Read about the most common types of F3 roles and the pros and cons for each, plus next steps to start your search.
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A detailed guide to working as a locum doctor, including why locums are needed, where they work, how to become one, and much they can earn.
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A detailed guide to working as a clinical fellow, including why clinical fellows are needed, where they work, how to become one, and how much they earn.
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The similarities between trust grade roles and clinical fellowships can be confusing, so we have teased apart exactly what makes these two jobs so different.
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The decision to pursue a training role vs a non-training role after F2 may have significant financial implications. So we did a comparison of two hypothetical doctors; a GPST1 and an F3 locum doctor.
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We deep-dive with Dr Evey Clay into your F3 options: locuming, trust grade and clinical fellowships and working abroad.
We held an interactive workshop for current F2s, working through our F3 Workbook and curated exercises to help them kick-start their F3 Planning.
For many F3 Doctors, their main choice is between doing locum work and applying for a fellowship. Here we debate the benefits of each to help you decide which path to take.
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An exploration of the more unusual opportunities that are possible in your F3 Year, like working in tech to volunteering overseas.
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A detailed guide to planning your F3 Year, with a month-by-month breakdown to the key actions to take.
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Find out why we think you should set yourself a PDP as an F3 locum doctor, even though you aren’t required to.
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Back to the Workbook! We have a template timeline for your F2 year to print and complete, helping you to feel organised and confident ahead of August.
The Foundation Year 3 group on Facebook has over 6,000 members, and is a great place to get advice on your options and start the research process. It's moderated by the Messly ý.
Regardless of which path you take, your CV will be a critical document to help you secure the work you want. This article helps your understand what an F3 CV should include, and how to tailor it to the jobs your applying for.
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A great place to start. An exploration of whether working as a locum might be a good fit for you based on your personal goals and professional needs.
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We've crunched the numbers on 45,000 jobs added to our locum-finding service, to help you understand the rates you can expect for your specialty and region, and how much you could earn in a year as a locum
Discover the main pros and cons of locuming and consider whether the locum life is right for you.
A breakdown of how Messly's locum-finding service works, and how we've helped over 10,000 doctors find their dream locum work quickly and without hassle.
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A checklist of actions for F2s who are preparing to locum in their F3 Year, to help you get organised and be well-placed to get best access to work.
Coming Soon
Over the years, we've heard some crazy myths and misconceptions about locum work. Some of them are funny, others could seriously hold you back. We break them down here.
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We've condensed the most popular questions covered in our library of articles into a Q&A service we call the Academy. Search a question and get an answer instantly.